
These are the things we learned in class.

Week 6


This week we made any last minute changes before our official site launch We checked our code with an Html and Css editors. Then at the end of the week we had an awards ceremony to celebrate everyone's websites. Home, About,Blog.

Week 5


This week in class we used adobe xd in order to modify our blog pages into lorem ipsum texts. We also began using UI adobe kits in order to get ideas or features to our custom UI design. Home, About,Blog.

Week 4


This week in class we used adobe xd in order to modify our blog pages into lorem ipsum texts. We also began using UI adobe kits in order to get ideas or features to our custom UI design. Home, About,Blog.

Week 3


This week we learned how to use photoshop and edit raster images. We used photoshop to make a cleaner image of an illustration and then changed it to a vector SVG using Adobe illustrator. We began learning how to use Adobe Xd which is designing a site without coding. I made a home, about, and Blog page All the pages I made in XD looks like the coded sub pages I made in the first 2 weeks of class. I made a prototype using XD. Home,AboutBlog.

Week 2


I removed all of the CSS that I did last week, and began adding in essential HTML and CSS, such as common structural markup (e.g header, nav, footer, etc.). I also created three category-based lists as the content of my home page. After that I created two sub pages: about.html and blog.html. The About page contains links to the primary resources and technolegies learned in This class. The Blog page contains a brief summary of what I did in class every week, I had a live, working web site with three pages: Home, About,Blog.

Week 1


I learned how to create a live website hosted on github. I first logged into github.com, then I

created a root username for a repo as a link to my live website. Named iwebstudent02.github.io After that I used Terminal to copy the repository to my locol desktop (via CLI: git clone). Then I Visual studio code in order to edit the read me file in markdown. Then I created a index.html file, also known as the home page. We also made a style.css file. At the end of every day I saved my changes straight into the server. At the end of the week here's what my site ended up looking https://iwebstudent02.github.io